The scientists at the Cluster of Excellence PRISMA + consider it their responsibility not only to keep the public informed about current projects, but also to contribute to physics education, particularly of high scool students.
Among other things, one-day Masterclasses are regularly offered on various topics that are dedicated to the big questions of particle physics: How was the Higgs boson found and what is a proton made of? What is a cloud chamber and how is it built? What is the IceCube experiment at the South Pole all about?
During the annual Particle Physics Academy, however, participants can try out their skills as particle physicists for ten days on the JGU campus and conduct research with self-built detectors at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI).
Finally, the Physics on Saturday lecture series is aimed at physics fans of all ages every spring.
These and other exciting offers as well as further information can be found on the page for school programs on the JGU physics department website (in German).