Career Support for Postdocs

This program is designed for young researchers in Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics to help navigate a successful scientific career adapting to the individual needs as well as the time constraints of young scientists. The goal of the program is to provide role-models for academic careers in science.

Within one-on-one mentoring sessions you will benefit from the personal view of an experienced mentor (a scientist from JGU, other Rhine-Main-Universities or – if desired – from further afield). Participants may choose from a list of potential mentors or request specific mentors according to individual needs and preferences. Additional career advice will provide participants with essential decision-making skills and individual support.

Due to the intense nature of this program (approximately six to nine months of individual support) it is designed to fit around ongoing research activities. Aside from the mandatory half-day kickoff workshop (July 2, 2021), all other appointments are negotiated individually. On average, this is expected to consist of three appointments with your mentor and up to three career advice sessions. Additional support (i.e. workshops, coaching, etc.) can be provided if desired. Women receive priority placement.

All applications must contain a full CV and a letter of motivation. For further questions please get in touch with Steffi Wortmann, Please send your application to until April 28th, 2023.