Excellence Track program

We want to give excellent students who have a Bachelor’s degree in Physics the opportunity to do an Excellence Track in addition to the Master of Science Physics program of JGU.

The aim of theExcellence Track is to offer students tools to start a successful research path and become strong candidates for a doctorate. To this aim, it enables high-achieving, research-oriented students to further develop their scientific knowledge as well as complementary and transferable skills in a structured program.

In exceptional cases students of the Excellence Track program can apply for financial support. These scholarships are endowed with €934 per month for a maximum duration of two years.

Further information can be obtained from the coordinators of the Mainz Physics Academy, Dr. Victoria Durant and Freya Luberg (xtrack@uni-mainz.de).

How to apply for the Excellence Track?

Applications for the Excellence Track are currently closed.
The next application round will open in August 2024.

The Excellence Track in three words

The Excellence Track explained by our professors

Poster Excellence Track