Further Links

  • JGU offers a platform for all information regarding young researchers: https://www.young-researchers.uni-mainz.de/
  • A list of the most important national and international programs for young researchers is also provided there: https://www.nachwuchs.uni-mainz.de/promotion/finanzierung-id-611/
  • The Center for Excellence Women in Science CEWS offers an overview of programs fostering women’s careers in science: https://www.gesis.org/fileadmin/cews/www/download/final_Förderprogramme_für_Frauen_in_Wissenschaft_und_Forschung.pdf
  • The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers provides a collection of various postdoctoral programs: http://www.hochschulverband.de/cms1/postdoc-programme.html
  • The German Research Foundation offers a number of programs for talent development: https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/research_careers/index.html
  • Within the framework of the “For Women in Science” program, every year stipends are awarded to support excellent female researchers in Germany. The program addresses exceptionally qualified doctoral students who work in Germany in the area the experimental natural sciences:
  • The Helene-Lange-Prize comes with a purse of 15,000 Euros and is awarded to young female scientists who deal with aspects of digitalization relevant to everyday life in a particularly innovative and creative way: http://www.helene-lange-preis.de/
  • The Hertha-Sponer-Prize is awarded once a year to a young female scientist for outstanding scientific work in the field of physics and is endowed with 3,000 Euros:
  • Job offers at JGU: https://www.verwaltung.personal.uni-mainz.de/stellenausschreibungen/