Irène Joliot-Curie Program

One important strategic aim of PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence is to achieve equality between male and female scientists at the institutional and research level. The Irène Joliot-Curie Program has been set up to support women in all phases of their scientific careers both at the cluster and in their broader research work.

Irène Joliot-Curie (*12 September, 1897, † 17 March, 1956) was a French scientist. She was the eldest daughter of Marie and Pierre Curie and later the wife of Frédéric Joliot-Curie. Irène Joliot-Curie together with her husband was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1935 for their discovery of artificial radioactivity.

The program was launched in December 2013 on the initiative of Concettina Sfienti. It offers workshops, training sessions, and network meetings for women in and around the Cluster and the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science at JGU. Events to raise gender awareness, such as a lecture series, regularly reach a large female and male audience. Complementing the existing support structures at JGU, IJCP is focused on a physics-specific perspective.

Upcoming Events

 Neurodiversity – keynote and discussion with Simone Burel, LUB Mannheim

Dealing with diversity is structurally anchored in most universities. In public discourse or in work contexts, a distinction is usually only made between the dimensions of diversity specified in the General Equal Treatment Act, such as e.g. age, gender, disabilities. One dimension that is often forgotten, but which is no less relevant for the future of work and our society, is neurodiversity. Neurodiversity means normalizing differences in people's mental states and not dividing them into “mentally ill” and “mentally healthy”. Here, Dr. Simone Burel also reports from her own experience and tells us about different types of neurodiversity (including impostor syndrome, depression, social phobia, anxiety disorder, panic disorder). She will open for us her treasure chest with tips and tricks to realize potential of neurodiverse persons.

Everybody is welcome! No registration required.

Date 23.10.2024 13:15
Place Lorentz-Raum, 05-127, Staudingerweg 7

More information and registration: