November 28th 2024 Marius Köppel (ETH Zurich), "Development and Commissioning of the Scintillating Fiber Detector for the Mu3e Experiment", 2 pm | Noether Room, Staudingerweg 7, Building 2412, room 03.423 (3rd floor – West)
Mai 23th 2024 Larisa Thorne (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), "Neutrinos and how to measure their mass", 11 am | MITP-Seminarraum, Staudinger Weg 9, Building 2413, room 02.430 (2nd floor – West)
November 24th, 2023 Finn Feindt (DESY, Hamburg), "A Digital Silicon Photomultiplier", 1 pm | Medienraum, Staudinger Weg 7, Building 2412, Raum 03.431 (3rd floor – West)
November 3rd, 2023 Robert Svoboda (University of California, Davis), "The Development Path to a Hybrid Optical Detector", 1 pm | Medienraum, Staudinger Weg 7, Building 2412, Raum 03.431 (3rd floor – West)
December 8th, 2022 João Guimarães da Costa (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), "The Circular Electron Positron Collider", 10 am | Gernot-Gräff Room, Staudinger Weg 7, Building 2412, Room 05.431 (5th floor West)
July 21st, 2022 Loredana Gastaldo (Heidelberg University), "Physics and application of metallic magnetic calorimeter", 2 pm | KPH Seminar Room 1, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 45, Building 1371, Room 00.260 (ground floor)
May 3rd, 2022 Yuan Mei (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), "CMOS pixel charge sensor development", 2 pm | Medienraum, Staudinger Weg 7, Building 2412, Room 03.431 (3rd floor – West)
June 21, 2021 Steffen Schönfelder and Quirin Weitzel (PRISMA Detector Lab, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), "3D-Printing Technologies and Possibilities in the PRISMA Detector Lab", 12;30 | ETAP Seminar (virtual meeting)
January 23rd, 2020 Sebastian Böser (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), "The novel ABALONE photosensor", 2 pm | Gernot-Gräff Room, Staudinger Weg 7, Building 2412, Room 05.431 (5th floor – West)
November 7, 2019 Stefan Ritt (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen), "WaveDAQ - The new data acquisition standard system at PSI", 2 pm | MITP Seminar Room, Staudinger Weg 9, Building 2413, Room 02.430 (2nd floor – West)
January 10, 2019 Adrian Rost (TU Darmstadt / GSI), "The TRB3 Read-out Platform – from Calorimeter Read-out to Online Beam Monitoring"
September 3, 2018 Michael Lupberger (CERN), "SRS: A general purpose readout system and one example of application at the NMX instrument for ESS"
May 24, 2018 Alexei N. Safonov (Texas A&M University), "GEM Detectors for the Muon System Upgrade of the CMS Experiment at the LHC"
May 11, 2017 Andrea Santangelo (Universität Tübingen), "Future missions and instruments for X-ray astrophysics"
February 9, 2017 David Rohr (CERN), "Utilization of Hardware Accelerators such as GPUs for Compute-Intense Physics Applications"
July 14, 2016 Ivan Peric (Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie), "CMOS sensors"
June 16, 2016 Andreas Goehlich (Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme IMS), "CMOS-Integration of Microsystems: Technology and Applications"
February 11, 2016 Horst Exner (Laserinstitut Hochschule Mittweida), "3D Laser micro printing – an additive manufacturing method with highest resolution"
October 29, 2015 Albert Lehmann (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), "Fast Photon Detection with Microchannel Plate Photomultipliers"
July 16, 2015 Dominique Thers (Subatech, Nantes), "The XEMIS projects: 3-photon medical imaging with liquid xenon"
June 18, 2015 Hans Kristian Soltveit (University of Heidelberg), "Multi-gigabit wireless data transfer using the millimeter wave band at 60 GHz"
May 21, 2015 Carlos Marinas (Universität Bonn): "DEPFET pixel sensors for future colliders and imaging applications"
February 5, 2015 Michele Caselle (KIT, Karlsruhe): „High-speed DAQ-systems with real-time data elaboration for scientific experiments”
December 11, 2014 Juliane Raasch (KIT, Karlsruhe): „Versatile terahertz detector technologies and fast readout electronics"
July 10, 2014 Stefan Ritt (PSI, Villigen): „Waveform digitizing in the giga-sample range with switched capacitor arrays”