Matthias Schott receives ERC Consolidator Grant for innovative approach to search for axions
Data from CERN's Large Hadron Collider could help track down the long-sought axion ...
Mainz University receives millions in funding for excellent research: German Research Foundation extends funding for three Collaborative Research Centers
Further funding periods for three CRCs involving Mainz-based scientists working in the fields of the materials sciences, nuclear physics, and at the Mainz University Medical Center ...
A new approach to the hunt for dark matter
Researchers now harnessing antimatter in their search for dark matter ...
Placing Another Piece in the Dark Matter Puzzle
PRISMA+ and HIM scientists report the latest findings of the CASPEr research program in Science Advances ...
Cesium vapor aids in the search for dark matter
Physicists at Mainz University manage to further narrow down range of the search for dark matter ...
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz joins the "Muon g-2 experiment" at Fermilab
New PRISMA+ research group led by Professor Martin Fertl participates at measuring the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon ...
Sonia Bacca elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
Major award for the theoretical physicist, a member of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence ...
Probing a nuclear clock transition
Nuclear clocks employ oscillations within the nucleus as their timekeeper / Quantifying of the energy released by the decay of the excited thorium-229 nucleus ...
Mainz University, Fermilab agree to joint appointment in support of Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
New appointment to strengthen international neutrino research ...
Upgrade of the IceCube neutrino telescope
First enhancement of the particle detector at the South Pole is primarily aimed at investigating neutrino oscillation ...
Tracking down dark matter
Physicists at Mainz University intend to detect axions using a new comagnetometer configuration ...
New European project at the forefront of strong interaction studies
EU project "STRONG-2020" brings together 44 institutes from all over Europe conducting research on the strong interaction ...
Astroparticle physicists observe the longest half-life ever directly measured
Detector for dark matter search provides impressive measurement results / Publication in Nature ...
Physicists analyze the rotational dynamics of galaxies and the influence of the mass of the photon
Could the effect of photon mass on the gaseous components in galaxies be as strong as that of dark matter? ...
Atomic parity violation research reaches new milestone
Measurement of parity violation for different isotopes of atomic ytterbium agrees with predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics ...
Peering into the Sun from the depths of the Gran Sasso massif: Borexino sheds light on solar neutrinos
Borexino Collaboration publishes results of research into the Sun's 'ghost particles' in Nature ...
Mainz University successful in Germany's Excellence Strategy program: PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence approved
International Committee of Experts vote to award PRISMA+ EUR 64 million of funding for cutting-edge research in Mainz ...
IceCube researchers manage for the first time to identify the source of a neutrino from the depths of the cosmos
Elementary particle originated from a galaxy three billion light years from Earth / Black hole acts as particle accelerator ...
Mysterious IceCube event may be caused by a tau neutrino
Theoretical physicists calculate the origin of a high-energy particle track captured by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory ...
More role models in the natural sciences
Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science hosts the ‘Women of Mathematics and beyond’ exhibition ...
New sensitivity record in the search of dark matter
XENON1T sets new limits for WIMPs / Scientists from Mainz rank amongst the founding members of the XENON programme in the search of dark matter ...
EU funding for four outstanding early-career researchers in Physics and Palaeogenomics at Mainz University
Individual Fellowships provided through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions program support new research projects ...
A step closer to the nuclear clock
Oscillations in the atomic nucleus of thorium-229 to be used as pulse generator for future nuclear clocks ...
Extremely rare kaon decays give hope for a new insight into physics
New experiment at CERN shows first results / Scientists hope for further data evaluations to help check the consistency of the Standard Model. ...
Harvey Meyer is awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for fundamental calculations on strong interaction effects
JGU-Teilchenphysiker Harvey Meyer forscht zu Materie, die aus der starken Wechselwirkung von Quarks und Gluonen nach dem Big Bang entstanden ist ...
Cosmic x-rays may provide clues to the nature of dark matter
Physicists propose a new theory of dark matter based on the detection of unusual x-ray radiation from galaxies ...