
PRISMA+ offers a number of different funding options, which are shown below.

Within the PRISMA+ research fund the cluster supports conferences and workshops that are relevant to the research goals of the cluster. The PRISMA+ steering committee decides on the proposal which has to be handed in by a member of the cluster at least 3 months prior to the event. Decisions will be taken typically within 4-6 weeks.

  • No more applications will be accepted for 2023.
In addition to the funds required to carry out specific projects in the various research areas of PRISMA+, the research fund allows for the internal allocation of funds on a competitive basis. All members of PRISMA+ can submit proposals for new research projects which support the research goals of PRISMA+ and enhance its scientific profile. The funding is based on three criteria: scientific quality of the proposal, scientific expertise of the applicants, and contribution to the PRISMA+ research program. The Steering Committee prioritizes the proposed projects and takes the funding decisions. The scientific council reviews proposals exceeding 40.000 € and may issue a recommendation. Those proposals may only be submitted after a call or in exceptional cases that have to be discussed with the cluster management prior to submittance.

  • No more applications will be accepted for 2023.
In order to attract international leading scientists and to foster the scientific exchange with international collaborators PRISMA+ supports advanced international researchers visiting the cluster.

The PRISMA+ steering committee decides on the nomination form which has to be handed in by a member of the cluster at least 3 months prior to the visit. Decisions will be taken typically within 4-6 weeks. The funding is based on three criteria: excellence in his/her topic, the contribution to the PRISMA+ research goals, and the benefit of joint research projects the PRISMA+ researchers.

  • No more applications will be accepted for 2023.
In order to attract highly talented researchers between the postdoctoral phase and the first long-term appointment, PRISMA+ actively promotes dual-career opportunities for postdocs in the cluster’s groups by a special fund for dual-career measures. Proposals can be submitted by PRISMA+ members at any time. Dual-career options for Physicists must be co-financed to an equal extent by the relevant group’s budget. The PRISMA+ steering committee decides on the proposal. Decisions will be taken typically within 4 to 6 weeks.

Moreover, JGU’s Dual Career Office provides an individual start-up support and proposes career connection options for accompanying partners. The service comprises support and guidance regarding the partner’s or spouse’s job search by offering advice on career and application issues, including resumes and cover letters, developing a job search strategy and providing information about potential employers in the region. In order to be able to use this service please contact the PRISMA+ coordination office.

  • No more applications will be accepted for 2023.

Funding opportunities specifically for young researchers can be found here.