Studies show that young female researchers decide against an academic career, especially at the transitions from the doctorate to the first postdoc position or from the postdoc to the next higher career level. The aim of the IJCP Fellowship for Transition Phases is therefore to avoid the drop-out of young female researchers at the transitions between different career phases. The target group is primarily excellent female doctoral students (in the last year before graduation) and postdoctoral researchers. In exceptional cases, the fellowship can also be used for re-entry after the interruption of an academic career due to parental or nursing leave.
The fellowship consists of a 100% EG13 position for a period of usually 8 months, which is used to prepare the further scientific career (e.g. application for a "Eigene Stelle" at the DFG, AvH postdoc position). The work in one of the PRISMA+ working groups will be accompanied by career advisiing, in the context of which tailored support offers will be agreed upon (attendance of workshops, mentoring, coaching).
The fellowships are not advertised, but are awarded by nomination. For further information please contact the IJCP program management.