- About
- About us
- Alumni
- Alumni Excellence Track
- American Physical Society places three Mainz-related research projects among "Top Ten Physics News Stories in 2014"
- aMUSE is launched
- An Exclusive Glance at the New Cryomodules for MESA
- Annual report "Highlights"
- Application for a PRISMA+-Internship
- Application for International Master's Program
- Application Form PhD Fellowship Program
- Articles from the JGU Magazine
- Associate Members
- Associate Young Investigators
- A step closer to the nuclear clock
- Atomic Physics, Precision Observables and Physics with Ultra-Cold Neutrons
- Attractive Internship Program for Young Talent
- Awards and Honours
- Balancing family and career
- Boards and Committees PRISMA Facilities
- Borexino's detection of solar fusion neutrino chosen as one of Physics World's Top Ten Breakthroughs of 2014
- Career
- Career Support for Postdocs
- Celebratory Signing of a Partnership Agreement with the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research in Mumbai
- Center for Fundamental Physics (CFP)
- Centerpieces for new accelerator delivered
- cfp
- Coaching
- Code of Conduct
- Complementary Skills Workshop: "Poster Design & Poster Communication"
- Complementary Skills Workshop: "Publishing Research Results in English"
- Complementary Skills Workshop: "Reach your Goals"
- Complementary Skills Workshop: Intercultural Awareness and Communication
- Congratulations!
- Contact
- Contact Points at JGU
- Coordination
- CRC "Hadrons and Nuclei as Discovery Tools"
- Current MPA Fellows and Associates
- Current Students in the Excellence Track
- Detection of pp-neutrinos provides first direct measurement of solar power at its production
- Die Entdeckung des Gottesteilchens und das Weltbild der Physik – Öffentlicher Vortrag im Staatstheater Mainz
- Die Physik bei Starwars
- Directions to Mainz University
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- End of the magic: Shell model for beryllium isotopes invalidated
- ERC Advanced Grant for experimental physicist Dmitry Budker
- EU funding for four outstanding early-career researchers in Physics and Palaeogenomics at Mainz University
- EUR 8.7 million for new MOGON II high-performance computer at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Excellence Track
- Excellence Track program
- Exhibition
- Experimental Hadron and Nuclear physics
- Experimental Particle and Astroparticle physics
- Extra-curricular activities
- Extrem seltener Kaon-Zerfall weckt Hoffnungen auf neue Physik
- Exzellenzstrategie: Deadline für die Abgabe des PRISMA+ Vollantrags am 21. Februar 2018
- Facilities
- favicon.ico
- First hint of the Higgs boson particle
- First particles circulate in SuperKEKB accelerator
- First results from a Search for New Physics in Electronic Recoils from XENONnT
- Former Internship Candidates
- Funding
- Further Links
- Gabriele Honecker is one of two German representatives in the European String Theory network
- German and Israeli scientists initiate research program at the interface of solid state physics and quantum physics
- German Council of Science and Humanities endorses construction of Center of Fundamental Physics research building at Mainz University
- German Research Foundation extends its funding for the Collaborative Research Center 1044 "The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model" by fours years
- Good start into the German Excellence Strategy competition: JGU to submit full proposal for its PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence
- Guinness World Records
- Gutenberg Research College welcomes new fellows and bestows the 2013 Gutenberg Research Award
- Harvey Meyer is awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for fundamental calculations on strong interaction effects
- Helmholtz-Institut Mainz auf dem Gutenberg-Campus feiert Richtfest
- Highlights 2018
- High school students search for the Higgs boson at the Girls' Day 2013 with PRISMA PIs Lucia Masetti and Gabriele Honecker
- IceCube provides proof of neutrinos from the cosmos
- IceCube researchers manage for the first time to identify the source of a neutrino from the depths of the cosmos
- IJCP Fellowship for Transition Periods
- Important milestone for TRIGA User Facility
- Index
- Infrastructure
- International research team discovers a new exotic particle in the BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider in China
- International Summer School "Symmetries, Fundamental Interactions and Cosmology 2014
- International Summer School "Symmetries, Fundamental Interactions and Cosmology 2016
- Internetseite 2516
- Interns
- Internship Candidates
- Irène Joliot-Curie Program
- Joachim Kopp receives ERC Starting Grant for research in particle and astroparticle physics
- Jobs
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz to collaborate with US research center Fermilab near Chicago
- Juniorprofessor Dr. MATTHIAS SCHOTT
- Magnetic moment of the proton measured with unprecedented precision
- Mainz Particle Physics Academy at JGU
- Mainz physicists propose a new method for monitoring nuclear waste
- Mainz physicists provide important component for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- Mainz scientists participating in both the Rosetta mission and the Borexino experiment nominated as top-10 breakthroughs of the year
- Mainz University successful in Germany's Excellence Strategy program: PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence approved
- Marc Vanderhaeghen appointed Fellow of the American Physical Society
- mattermost
- Members
- MESA - Mainz Energy-Recovering Superconducting Accelerator
- Milestone for cutting-edge research in Mainz: Center for Fundamental Physics (CFP) inaugurated
- MITP - Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics
- mitp for research menu
- MITP Office
- MITP Summer School 2016
- MITP Summer School 2017
- More Events and Activities
- More role models in the natural sciences
- mpa
- MPA - Mainz Physics Academy
- Mysterious IceCube event may be caused by a tau neutrino
- Nature Index Ranking confirms cutting-edge research in Physics at Mainz University
- Networking and Exchange
- Neuer Meilenstein bei Zwei-Schleifen-Rechnungen
- New at PRISMA+: Hans Steiger
- New at PRISMA+: Javier Fuentes Martin
- NEW AT PRISMA+: Prof. Dr. Hans Jockers
- New at PRISMA+: Prof. Dr. Jens Erler
- New at PRISMA+: Stefan Schoppmann
- New at PRISMA+: Timo Weigand
- New Collaborative Research Center 1044: The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model - From Quarks and Gluons to Hadrons and Nuclei
- New DFG-funded Emmy Noether Junior Research Group examines the role played by W bosons in the structure of matter
- New electron accelerator at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz reaches first milestone
- New MRI technology to provide even better images of the inside of the human body
- News and Announcements
- New sensitivity record in the search of dark matter
- New theory on the origin of dark matter
- Nobel Prize in Physics: Recognition for the prediction of the Higgs boson
- Not everything in the universe is symmetrical
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Ombuds team and Code of Conduct
- On Axions, WIMPs and WISPs: Looking Out for Candidates of Dark Matter
- On the search for 'New Physics'
- Opening Ceremony of the Cluster of Excellence PRISMA
- Opening Ceremony of the Cluster of Excellence PRISMA
- Opening Exhibition "ZoomIn - Making the invisible visible"
- Opportunities
- Organizational Structure
- Outreach
- P2 Experiment presented at „Highlights der Physik“ in Münster
- Participating Institutions and Collaboration Partners
- Particle Fever - Die Jagd nach dem Higgs
- Particle physicists from Mainz University participate in JUNO neutrino experiment
- Particle physicist William Shepherd receives prestigious Sofja Kovalevskaja Award in Berlin
- Past Events
- Past events of the IJCP
- People
- PhD Fellowship program
- Photo Galleries
- Physicists from Mainz University Become Quiz Heroes in the Southwest
- Physicists in Mainz and all around the world cheer the discovery of the Higgs particle
- Physicists of Mainz University win world record
- Physics in Mainz maintains leading position in global comparison
- Physik im Theater: Dunkle Energie, Dunkle Materie und Urknall – wie unser Universum zusammenpasst
- Physik im Theater: Quantenfische - Stringtheorie und die Suche nach der Weltformel
- Physik im Theater: Urbausteine der Materie – die fabelhafte Welt der Quarks
- Press Archives 2011
- Press Releases
- Press Releases 2012 - 2013
- Press Releases 2014 - 2015
- Press Releases 2016 - 2017
- Press Releases 2018 - 2019
- Press Releases 2020 - 2021
- Press Review
- PRISMA+ Coordination Office
- PRISMA+ Coordinators
- PRISMA+ Internship Program
- PRISMA+ Steering Committee
- PRISMA/MAINZ Complementary Skills Workshop: “The Art of Self-Presentation” 2018
- PRISMA auf dem Mainzer Wissenschaftsmarkt 2014
- PRISMA auf dem Mainzer Wissenschaftsmarkt 2014
- PRISMA compact | Opportunities for Interns
- PRISMA Detector Lab
- PRISMA Detector Lab
- prisma pis for research
- PRISMA presents ATLAS and IceCube exhibits at Day of German Unity
- Professor Dr. HARVEY B. MEYER
- Professor Dr. JOACHIM KOPP
- Professor Dr. JOHANNES M. HENN
- Professor Dr. MICHAEL WURM
- Professor Dr. NIKLAUS BERGER
- Professor Dr. RANDOLF POHL
- Professor Dr. SONIA BACCA
- Publications
- Publications
- Publications and Videos
- Record-Breaking Science Communication: Physics, Live on the Radio
- Regular extra-curricular offers
- Research
- Research Areas
- researchfacilities
- Research Projects
- Research Training
- Research Training Group "Particle Detectors"
- Research Training Group 1581 "Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions" continues with second phase
- Retrospective
- Schnelleinstieg für PRISMA+-Mitglieder
- School Programs
- Science Fair 2018
- Science Fair 2019
- Science Fair 2024
- Scientific Council
- Search
- Seminars
- Seminars and Events
- Services
- Sitemap
- Special courses
- Symmetry violation and the origin of matter: Experts discuss absence of symmetry under time reversal
- Team
- Technical Seminars
- The 25 most important publications
- The city of Mainz is to become an international center of UCN research for five days
- The deuteron is smaller than previously thought
- The First Three Years of the LHC: Experts discuss results derived from the " world machine "
- The Irène Joliot Curie Program of the PRISMA Cluster of Excellence promotes female physicists at all stages of their careers
- Theoretical Particle, Hadron and Nuclear Physics
- Theorie für die Suche nach neuen Teilchen und Kräften
- Top-level research in particle and hadron physics at Mainz University is funded with EUR 35 million
- Training, Support and Qualification Program
- Training and Education
- Travel Funds and going abroad
- TUM and Mainz University activate new source of ultra-cold neutrons
- Victor Flambaum becomes new fellow at the Gutenberg Research College at Mainz University
- Volles Haus ...
- What are you researching?
- What are you researching? Anja Bitar
- What are you researching? Anne Galda
- What are you researching? Christine Claessens
- What are you researching? Dr. Annika Hollnagel
- What are you researching? Dr. Antoine Laudrain
- What are you researching? Dr. Claudia Cornella
- What are you researching? Dr. Hendrik Bekker
- What are you researching? Dr. Joanna Sobczyk
- What are you researching? Dr. Larisa Thorne
- What are you researching? Dr. Letizia Peruzzo, Célia Polivka
- What are you researching? Dr. Maik Biroth
- What are you researching? Dr. Martin Rongen
- What are you researching? Dr. Raphael Haas, Anna Viatkina
- What are you researching? Dr. Simon Kuberski
- What are you researching? Dr. Victoria Durant
- What are you researching? Javier Castellano
- What are you researching? Marvin Schnubel
- What are you researching? Pepe Gülker
- What are you researching? Stephan Aulenbacher
- What holds matter together?
- What is your current research topic? Christine Claessens
- Where we are
- Why studying physics at JGU
- Wissenschaftsmarkt 2015
- Wissenschaftsmarkt 2016
- Wissenschaftsmarkt 2017
- Workshop: "Application and Assessment"
- Workshop: "Leadership and Management Skills"
- Workshop Scientific Writing
- XENON1T proves to be the most sensitive detector on Earth searching for WIMP dark matter
- XENON100 sets record limits for dark matter