Professor Dr. Dmitry Budker
Institute of Physics Quantum, Atomic and Neutron Physics (QUANTUM) Staudingerweg 7 55128 Mainz Email | Homepage |
Research: Testing fundamental symmetries of nature development of all-optical sensors based on atomic vapors and color centers in diamond, zero- and ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance (ZULF-NMR), searches for dark matter and dark energy constituents (GNOME, CASPEr), and physics of sodium laser guide stars |
Professor Dr. Martin Fertl
Institute of Physics Quantum, Atomic and Neutron Physics (QUANTUM) Staudingerweg 7 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-37687 Email | Homepage |
Research: Low-energy tests of fundamental symmetries, physics with ultracold neutrons, precision magnetometry with magnetic resonance techniques,neutrino mass measurement, frequency-based single electron spectroscopy, precision measurement of the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment |
Professor Dr. Randolf Pohl
Institute for Physics Quantum, Atomic and Neutron Physics (QUANTUM) Staudingerweg 7 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-22279 Email | Homepage |
Section Leader Research Area B: Precision physics at the low-energy frontier Research: Atomic physics, exotic atoms, muonic atoms, precision laser spectroscopy, nuclear physics, fundamental constants |
Professor Dr. Dieter Ries
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry Fritz-Straßmann-Weg 2 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-25314 Email | Homepage |
Deputy Section Leader Research Area B: Precision physics at the low-energy frontier Research: Neutron lifetime and electric dipole moment measurement, development of high-intensity sources of ultracold neutrons |
Dr. Christian Smorra
Institute of Physics Quantum, Atomic and Neutron Physics (QUANTUM) Staudingerweg 7 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-25953 Email | Homepage |
Research: Antimatter and Precision Measurements, Principal Investigator of the ERC project STEP, Development of transportable antiproton traps and precision measurement methods for antiprotons |