JGU´s Family Services Center provides JGU’s members with information, advice and support regarding the combination of family and career/studies: https://www.family-services-center.uni-mainz.de/
The coordination team assists PRISMA+ members in finding a place at childcare facilities on campus. Please send a copy of your application to the PRISMA+ coordination office.
For short-term care, PRISMA+ works together with the "Kinderschirm" of the “Verband Alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter”, Landesverband Rheinland-Pfalz e. V.. Here, on-site care (outside of daycare and school care) can be organized at PRISMA+-related events. Please contact the coordination office in due time before the event.
Contact points and contact persons for questions about science/career and child:
Emergency short-term childcare at JGU:
Childcare in transitional periods at JGU:
Parent/Child Room at JGU: Staudingerweg 9; Room 120 (2nd floor). Please get the key at the PRISMA+ coordination office.
The IJCP fellowship can be used for re-entry after the interruption of an academic career due to parental or nursing leave.