Professor Dr. Sonia Bacca
Professor Dr. Jens Erler
Institute for Nuclear Physics Theory Group J.-J.-Becherweg 45 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-23636 Email | Homepage |
Research: Global electroweak fits, low energy Standard Model tests, precision measurements at colliders, applications of perturbative QCD,new gauge symmetries, supersymmetry, string theory, Bayesian data analysis |
Professor Dr. Tobias Hurth
Institute of Physics Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP) Staudingerweg 7 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-22730 Email | Homepage |
Research: Particle physics phenomenology within and beyond the SM, interplay of collider and flavour physics in the New Physics Search, low-energy-supersymmetry, SCET and other field theoretical methods, QCD corrections, CP violation |
Professor Dr. Hans Jockers
Professor Dr. Harvey B. Meyer
Institute for Nuclear Physics Theory Group J.-J.-Becherweg 45 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-20350 Email | Homepage |
Deputy Section Leader Research Area E: Theory and phenomenology of fundamental interactions Research: Lattice QCD, hadron structure, finite-temperature QCD, computational methods in particle physics |
Professor Dr. Matthias Neubert
Institute of Physics Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP) Staudingerweg 7 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-23681 Email | Homepage |
Cluster Coordinator and Director Structural Initiative: Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP) Research: Theoretical elementary-particle physics, QCD and collider physics, flavor physics and CP violation, effective field theories, physics beyond the Standard Model |
Professor Dr. Pedro Schwaller
Institute of Physics Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP) Staudingerweg 9 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-20507 Email | Homepage |
Deputy Section Leader Research Area D: Physics at high-energy accelerators Research: Beyond the Standard Model physics, collider phenomenology, particle cosmology, baryogenesis, dark matter, physics at future colliders, gravitational waves |
Professor Dr. Marc Vanderhaeghen
PD Dr. Georg von Hippel
Professor Dr. Stefan Weinzierl
Professor Dr. Hartmut Wittig
Institute for Nuclear Physics Theory Group J.-J.-Becherweg 45 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-26808 Email | Homepage |
Cluster Coordinator and Director Mainz Physics Academy Research: Lattice QCD: precision observables, muon g – 2, nucleon structure, hadron spectroscopy and resonances, machine learning techniques |
Dr. Felix Yu
Institute of Physics Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP) Staudingerweg 7 55128 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 39-25796 Email | Homepage |
Research: Collider physics, Higgs physics, flavor physics and CP violation, physics beyond the Standard Model, dark matter and dark sectors, supersymmetry, axions and axion-like particles, future colliders and physics beyond colliders |