The Cluster of Excellence PRISMA+ addresses the basic questions about the nature of the fundamental building blocks of matter and their importance for the physics of the universe. PRISMA+ consists of renowned research groups that work primarily in the areas of astroparticle, high energy and hadron physics, nuclear chemistry as well as precision physics with ultra-cold neutrons and ion traps. Conducting various new key experiments to study the fundamental forces and limits of the Standard Model is one of the main initiatives of the Cluster.
photo: Matthias Neubert (left) and Hartmut Wittig; coordinators of PRISMA+
The cluster of excellence PRISMA explores the inner structure of matter and the fundamental forces in the Universe. Learn more about the research and methods of its scientists.
PRISMA+ and its participating institutions aim to substantially contribute to the physics education of high school students of all levels at all grade levels.
Public lecture series organized by MITP. Renowned scientists present current research in a generally intelligible manner at the state theater in Mainz.